Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Young Makers (< 18)"

Michelangelo Maugeri - IT Archimede di Catania

The project allows you to recycle polymeric materials, saves on the cost of reels, producing the filament for 3D printers.

Federico Giannakopoulos

I have designed a single-driver electric vehicle and am realising it. My idea is to enable other young makers to build their vehicle more easily.

Mindshub APS

CyberOrto is a system that allows you to manage a small vegetable garden in autonomy. You decide, through an application, which vegetables to plant and will provide for their cultivation, alerting you when they are ready for harvest.

Daniel Sandoval Villa

Learn to create several musical instruments made with cardboard end recycled materials controlled by Micro:bits microcontroller.

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Classe 4A dell'indirizzo di Meccanica Meccatronica ed Energia dell'Istituto Mattei di Conselve (PD)

This is a hydraulic bench that automatically measures the thermal power handed over by heated water to the air.

Davide Piacentini, Andrea Casaroli e Lorenzo Anile

We delete CO2 through electrochemical processes, dividing it into carbon and oxygen, to reduce the problem of air pollution.

I.T. "L. Di Maggio", San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) - Vittorio Lo Mele, Alessio Cusenza, Pio Carriera.

The student wearing the device is able to record their brain activity during a learning session.

Perotto Davide, Serra Enrico e Matteo Burzio della 4°A Sc, Liceo A. Monti di Chieri (TO)

Our project is a home-made 3D printer designed to be as professional and sustainable as possible.

Making Open, Istituto M. Massimo: Becchetti, De Gregorio, Poletto, Topani

From a simple wooden table Build and drive a professional electric kart with your team in the Formula Xavier Grand Prix

Raffaello Bonghi

Nanosaur is a fully 3D printable robot made to work on your desk. Use a simple camera and use 2 OLED-like eyes. The size is only 10x12x6cm in only 500g and with a simple power-bank can wandering your desktop autonomously.

  J.2.06 (pav. J)

Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia / Class Sophomore (Second year of high school)

Our project is based on the wireless transmission of signals using the principle of radio transmission whose initiator was Nikola Tesla.

Diego Romeo

A set of eleven Python simulators to study uniform circular motion, harmonic motion and collisions.

  J.2.15 (pav. J)

Fab Lab L'Aquila ETS

Feed both your feathered friends and your mind with this smart, connected and friendly bird feeder.

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

PoopBot is a robot that fuses technology, kawaii and fun for all!

ScieNcE Together

Young makers for the future of the planet

  J.1.20 (pav. J)


Metaproject of the urban area and the rainwater phyto-purification system for the resolution of hydrogeological instability and the creation of a natural park.

Paolo Bonelli

A strong motivation for learning STEM: low-cost and open source instruments for monitoring air and water pollution.

  J.1.22 (pav. J)

Eben Burgoon

Watch, learn, and add your own art to a socially-built sculpture of Rome made of masking tape and imagination!

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am